Weiland Sliding Doors and Windows

Weiland is a division of Andersen Windows and Doors, one of the largest door and window manufacturing companies in the world. Weiland is a division that focuses on doors for huge openings, seamless transitions, and outstanding performance. Through Weiland products, you can discover stunning ways to connect the indoors to the outside with such custom doors as the LiftSlide; bifolding doors; swinging and pivot doors. Creative freedom is in your hands.
The lift and slide door has active moving door panels that lift onto rollers and glide smoothly on only a 3/16″ flush track. When lowered, the weight of the door, a special gasketing system, and multi-point locking provide excellent weather resistance and security. Taylor Brothers only sells the wood and wood clad lines of this product.
Have any questions?
Contact Taylor Brothers online or call 323-805-0200